Picture of Ello


July 2018

The month of indepence Dance Day. This month I am getting ready to launch a new single. Very excited about this new track!

This month I had the opportunity to DJ at over a dozen awesome private events spanning from NYC to the Hamptons. One of the highlights of the month was DJing over at Maui on the mile to a great crowd of people. Maui on the Mile is at the nautical mile in Freeport NY. Aside from all the fun events I hold true to the quote, “NEVER get so busy making a LIVING that you FORGET to make a LIFE.”

So a day of kayaking with one of my best friends and also true supporter of my vision in life was super critical in my weekly agenda. As we cruised the South Shore Long Island waters we soaked up all the sunshine we could get and unwound. I also took a small getaway to my log cabin in the Windham area of upstate New York to completely disengage in the regular daily activities and dedicate my full focus on my current project.

Of course there needed to be some fun exploration so we explored the “Secret Caverns” with a guided tour and experienced the “real” underground, not just the clubs we usually associate with that term. As the month winds up to a close I eagerly await the upcoming August to see where this brings me.

For now.. the new track release song title – “Take You There”!! 🙂

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